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Reasons why cold weather drains out battery power

The battery is regarded to be one of the crucial devices for any electrically operated machine. Just like any other technology, batteries too have evolved. Bigger sizes, better in house materials and durability are some of their notable upgrades.

However, the weather has always been a factor that has affected batteries from their inception. Perhaps a direct contact of the chemicals inside the battery with nature has killed the batteries quite often. Be it the scorching summer or be it the extreme winter, batteries have always been known to die due to them.

This is where car battery replacement or maintenance comes into play. The battery caretakers are bound to either jump start the car battery or are often found to replace car batteries on such occasional extremities. Automobile experts often advise getting your car’s battery serviced and recharged regularly, especially during fall.

A car battery’s internals comprises of several metals like lead teaming up with chemical acids to produce the power that your car uses for various actions. Although the modern batteries feature a powerful weather resistance, they still are vulnerable to the unexpected extremities that might come their way.

Acute Temperatures

A battery is constructed keeping their respective temperature limits in mind. While they are usually designed to function normally in the ranges, it’s the extremes that keep on disturbing them. Such kind of weather extremes kills the battery if not addressed quickly, ultimately forcing the user to opt for a car battery replacement. Statistics and reports show that the capacity of a battery may decrease or even increase in several scenarios.

Winters are when you would find their regular capacity to be falling by 20 percent from their standard average while summers would boost up the capacity by 12 percent. Such kind of rise and falls are often responsible for damaging the stability and life of the battery. The imbalance of internals often leads to a new car battery installation.

The winter perspective: why cold kills batteries

Car Winter

There are a variety of reasons that kill a battery in the winter season. However, they usually boil down to these three primarily: degraded capacity, intensive accessorial support and extensive overload to the motor starters. Several minorities like keeping the internal lights or the parking lights on even for hours have little to no effect on them.

Cars start with almost no effort if they are in a decent range of temperatures. A good set of in-range temperatures are a good sign for the car batteries. The starter motors would instantly pass off the charge to get the car running. Consequences arise when a car’s starter motor tries pulling the extra amount of amperes to get the car running. While new batteries may do that at ease, it’s a terrific load of effort for the old batteries.

Capacity degradation is a serious issue that whether the batteries are old or new; usually face. Extreme low temperatures in the shivering winters are perhaps what knocks off the batteries. Eventually, starters fail to charge up the battery cell and it stops functioning. This is an often noted scenario when it comes to car battery replacement in the northern as well as southeast Asian regions.

Batteries function by the amount of charge they can draw and Cold Cranking Amps (long for CCA) is what helps anyone in detecting it. The higher the amount, the better the durability. High-quality batteries from brands like Swift Battery Specialist ensures that your car keeps functioning even in the toughest of the colds. Swift battery makes batteries with special weather coatings and higher CCA. This ensures that the car starts quickly, right when you need it.

Another issue is of the lubricants. There lie a variety of fluids inside any automobile. Perhaps, they too are affected by the extreme weather. Additives and oils added inside the internals of the car become dense, leading them to not move easily. This often causes problems when you need to pass on the signal to the starter motor to start your car as well as difficulty in initially moving your car, forcing the car battery to push more amperage. A simple remedy to this would be using a quality oil that is certified for several thickness tests.

One thing to remember is that it’s not always the start-up that pushes the batteries. Sometimes accessories are to blame too. Utility offering parts like parking-headlights, windshield vipers, neon additions cram up to a little more every time on the occasional events. One way to prevent their excessive charge eating is to add a quality alternator. Lack of alternator would prove to be a death sentence to the old batteries.

Preventive measures and battery suggestions

It is normal for any vehicle to surpass the temperature limits quite often. Batteries would often face cold extremities. According to swift battery, a Singapore based battery manufacturer and specialist; one can do so by keeping their batteries fully charged during such kind of full season. Battery loading and content check would also help the cause. Prevent corrosion too by little tricks if you can.

While the standard batteries last for about three to four years, Swift Battery Specialist promises a healthy run of about five to six years. They are quite prominent in the southeastern hemispheres like Singapore.